The course was fantastic, incredibly thorough and eye opening. Taught by world class lecturers the course is set by the Federation Internationale de Chiropractique du Sport (FICS), who promote Sports Chiropractic around the world and have supplied Chiropractors for events all around the world.
Andy, a chiropractor in Reading, is a member of the British Chiropractic Sports Council (BCSC), and has very good experience of caring for sports people from a wide variety of sports and abilities. Andy's particular passion has been for Rowing, having competed upto the Commonwealth Rowing Regatta in 1994, World Under-23's and having won twice at Henley Royal Regatta. As a Rowing Coach Andy has produced World Junior Rowing Medallists and some senior athletes now in the full GB Rowing team.
As a Chiropractor Andy has treated GB Rowers, professional footballers, and international sports people from several other sports. Many other amateur sporting injuries have been treated, from elite amateur Ultra Marathon runners to weekend warriors! All are, of course, treated with the same care and treatment protocols as if they were budding Olympic champions. Spinal rehabilitation and specific back pain exercises are crucial to the recovering athlete.
Now armed with the ICSSD Andy is hoping to be providing performance enhancing care for many more sports people. If you have any queries please get in touch and ask for our advice!